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When Should Appetite Suppressants be Part of Your Weight-Loss Plan?

Have you tried to lose weight, but you find that you aren’t getting anywhere? Or have you lost weight and hit a plateau? If either problem sounds familiar, it may be time to consider a prescription appetite suppressant.

At Advance Medical Group, our goal is to give you the emotional, motivational, and medical support you need to successfully reach a healthy weight. We will identify hormonal and nutritional deficiencies, talk with you about your medical and diet history, and work with you to set weight loss goals that are attainable and sustainable.

Prescription appetite suppressants may be an important component of your weight-loss plan. Patients who take prescription weight-loss medications as part of their lifestyle program can lose up to 9% more of their body weight than those who don’t take medication. 

How appetite suppressants work

Appetite suppressants can kick-start your weight loss and help you get over a plateau. They may also help you lose enough weight to improve underlying health problems. But they do have limitations, and they won’t melt away body fat.

When you take appetite suppressants, the medication stimulates areas of your brain that control satiety. The active ingredients interrupt hormonal responses, fooling your brain into thinking you feel full. As a result, it’s easier to eat less.

Appetite suppressants can support your weight-loss efforts, but they don’t take the place of diet and exercise.

When appetite suppressants are included in a weight-loss plan

If you’ve already struggled with weight loss for years, appetite suppressants may be part of your initial plan. However, if this is your first attempt at weight loss, we’ll wait and see how much weight you lose over a few months of following a diet and exercise plan.

There are also medical guidelines governing the use of appetite suppressants. These recommendations are based on your body mass index (BMI), which reflects the amount of body fat you carry. If your BMI is 25-29.9, you’re overweight. Any value that’s 30 or more is considered obese.

Prescription appetite suppressants are recommended for patients who meet two criteria. You’re a good candidate if you have a BMI of 27 or higher and you’re diagnosed with at least one weight-related medical condition, such as high blood pressure or Type 2 diabetes. You can also get the medication if your BMI is more than 30, with or without other health problems.

Making a decision about using an appetite suppressant isn’t just based on your BMI. We’ll also consider your overall health and see if there’s any reason the medication may not be safe for you. For example, appetite suppressants may interact with other medications you take. You also shouldn’t take them if you’re pregnant or plan to get pregnant.

Appetite suppressants as part of ongoing weight loss

How long you stay on an appetite suppressant depends on its impact and whether you develop any side effects from the medication. Patients who lose 5% or more of their initial weight within three months, and who haven’t had any problems with the medication, may continue taking it. However, weight-loss medications aren’t intended for long-term use. 

If you haven’t lost that much weight in three months, or you develop side effects, we’ll discontinue your appetite suppressant and talk about other options. There are other weight loss medications that could be better for you.

If you’re trying to lose weight and want to see if appetite suppressants can help you, book an appointment online or over the phone with Advance Medical Group today.

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